Reflections on The Horsemastership Training with George Morris
Hi, everyone!
It has been some time since my last entry but it does feel good to be writing again! Sorry for the delay! Since my last entry, I completed the George Morris Horsemastership Clinic, fulfilled the requirements of several important school assignments and concluded the first week of competition at the Winter Equestrian Festival.
The clinic was a truly amazing experience that I will never forget. I felt privileged and honored to be one of the eight selected to attend the sessions and to be given the opportunity to work with some of the best professionals in show jumping.
It is hard to reiterate everything that George Morris shared during the week spent with him. The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which an individual rider may stand, without an emphasis on hard work and determination and, that notion resonates in my thoughts since the experience ended.
Next time, I will share some of my experiences while showing at the Winter Equestrian Festival.
Talk to you soon!
Maria Schaub
Editor's Note: Read coverage of the clinic on