Hi, everyone!
The last day of the clinic proved to be a challenging one for me, with a course that asked many questions of the horse and rider. The horse I was riding in the clinic, Caruso, a green, six year old who was recently imported, was rather fresh and was switched to a pelham bit for the final day of the clinic. Unfortunately, just as the horse seemed to be getting quiet after several repetitions of the some of the lines in the course, he became green in the mouth, and we crashed the second jump and down I went. So, I got up with the resolve to fix the problem - of course the fixing was directed by Mr. Morris himself - and we finished the line in good form. Mr. Morris was quite complementary and the crowd gave me a round of applause after my last attempt to conquer the horse's difficulties.
When I reflect on the experiences of the final day and the week as a whole, my thoughts and conclusions are as follows. When you put in one hundred and fifty percent effort both mentally and physically, you can get the maximum benefit of whatever you are doing. When you feel privileged that you have gotten to know a talented, young horse and appreciative of the great riders and informative clinicians involved, the time spent is even more worthwhile. I am thankful for the sponsors, organizations and innovators of the clinic's development and recognize that without their time and effort, the program would not have been such a success .
Catch up with me later this week for an answer to one of your recent questions.
Thank you for your continued support!
Maria Schaub