1/16/2007 Horsemastership Training session

Hi, Everyone!
Today was the first full day of the clinic designed to help the riders improve their overall horsemanship. Although the day was filled with different activities, this blog will focus on the flat lesson with George Morris.
As Mr. Morris spoke during the flat lesson, it became obvious to me that he was helping us learn to prepare our horses effectively. The lesson reviewed several important elements of proper flat work including, using consistent contact with the horse's mouth, utilizing bending work, and helping the horse accept the rider's use of the reins, seat and leg.
I had not experienced a lesson with George Morris prior to today and the experience was awesome! You were expected to respond to his questions and to question your ability while performing the different flat work skills.
Afterwards, I spoke with the other riders and we agreed that we were thankful for the time, patience and knowledge extended to us by the sponsors, mentors and supporters of the program.
Check back with me tomorrow for another update!
Talk to you later.
Maria Schaub
I heard that the riders in the clinic are working really hard. My friend watched today and said that George was tough but gave you a complement.
It is good to hear your side of things.
HI Maria when i herd about your web site i jumped on the computer to see your blogs....
I want you to know you are like my idiol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work!
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