Hi, everyone, I have been busy flatting, schooling, training and teaching as well as taking college classes on line. Hunter’s Moon Farm and Frank Madden Show Stable have been welcoming new customers into our program. Since I last communicated with you, I have had the privilege to ride and show a talented seven year old mare in the 7/8 year old jumpers, a wonderful sale horse in some meter 30 jumper classes, and an attractive hunter in the 3’ 3” non thoroughbred hunter classes. Another rare opportunity presented itself just prior to week six of the circuit.
Some of you might remember the handsome chestnut stallion that I rode at the USEF East Coast Talent Search Finals last October named Kaiser de la Cour. Since then, he has stayed at Hunter’s Moon Farm and is currently owned and ridden by one of the customers. After the horse established residence with us, he was gelded and I have had the continued opportunity to work with him on the ground and with flatting, schooling and training him. Knowing the WCHR Hunter Spectacular week ( week 6 of the circuit) was approaching, I broached the subject of showing him in the Regular Working Hunter division with my boss and trainer, Frank Madden. The idea was generated from my experience riding and handling him since late August 2008. Although Kaiser had done the Grand Prix level prior to being at the barn, he possessed many of the characteristics of a great hunter. The talented gelding is agile, moves smoothly and is very good looking! I thought that with his natural affinities for the division, it might be worth a try. Frank thought the idea was sound and the owners were happy for him to get the experience.
With the concerted effort of all involved, I can say that the horse took to the task very well and he placed in all of the classes. He was such a good boy! Of course, knowing the horse and riding him for over five months was an advantage. I especially loved showing in the International Ring with so many of the seasoned professionals! I would like to thank the owners, my trainer and everyone who helped to make the experience rewarding and fun.
It was great showing these past few weeks and, in some ways, was reminiscent of my junior catch rider days. Of course, the challenging quest to secure a ride that will allow me to compete in the open jumper division continues.
I am off to do some studying now.
Talk to you later!
Maria Schaub
have fun
Sounds like youve been pretty busy, but everything sounds amazing! I hope everything works out for you and thank you for all the continued updates!
Do you enjoy jumpers, hunters or equitation the best?
H, I've really been interested in doing the maclays and such other medals. I guess my problem is that I don't know how to start. I ride a thouroghbred right now jumping around 3ft. I "A" show a little but not much. I'm only 13 so I really need to start soon. I have trainned slightly with a trainner named Wendy Newby in Indianapolis but saddly she lost her life to cancer. I'm really stuck right now and I don't know what to do. Also I'm not sure how to go about the school thing. Since I go to public school I can't misss alot of days or else I will be held back. Should I enroll in a private school?
If you could please email me your answer at whitneyhunter3@gmail.com
Useful article, thank you for sharing the article!!!
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