Sunday, May 31, 2009


Hi, everyone! Thank you for your continued support and questions about riding and horses. The last several weeks have been very busy, first, traveling to Old Salem Farm for two weeks of showing and, then, to the junior weekend at Devon. At the shows, I was privileged to school several of the customers horses early in the show week and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. This week, we are at Hunter's Moon Farm in Long Island, New York, and some of our riders will compete at a local one day show over this weekend. Since we returned home, I have been flatting, schooling, training, and teaching. Next week, Frank Madden Show Stable will be competing at Hits Saugerties and later in June, we will travel to Lake Placid, New York, for two weeks.

Again this month, as I did in the last several months, I will be using the format that answers some of your most recent questions. I appreciate the time you take communicating with me and I hope that you find my responses to your questions helpful.

My horse named, Bella, has old scars on her back ankles that still give her pain when she hits them together... her injury is getting worse which means she can't compete... My dad is insisting that we look for a horse or two to lease out. This is my first year going for the big eq finals. Do you think I'm making the right decision horse wise?

It seems that from your question you are truly struggling with what is happening to your horse, Bella. Unfortunately, horses can get injured and it is part of the sport. First, I think you need to talk to your trainer about what is happening with you and your horse right now. Your trainer knows the situation well, can help you sort through your feelings and has the tools and the knowledge to help you gain a better understanding of the situation. Second, your dad, who you mentioned in your question, is trying to help you with this unfortunate circumstance. So, please try to talk more with him about it as well. Afterwards, maybe you can have a meeting with your trainer and your parents and an appropriate plan can be developed for you and your horse that works best for everyone involved. Good luck to you in your first year in the big eq and I hope that Bella will be feeling better some time soon!

What saddle do you ride in?

I ride in a Devoucoux saddle. There are many different brands and types of saddles which meet the individual preferences and requirements of different types of riders. Each of the riding disciplines, for example, show jumping, dressage, eventing, etc., require a different type of saddle. What is most important about a saddle is that it properly fits you and the horse that you are riding. When you and your horse are comfortable with the fit of the saddle you have chosen, then that decision will help you to have an improved experience when you are riding.

Talk to you later,

Maria Schaub


At Wed Jun 03, 03:56:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At Wed Jun 03, 04:01:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you so much for updating Maria! Good luck in Lake Placid! (Sorry, I deleted my original post by accident hehe).

At Thu Jun 04, 12:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At Thu Jun 04, 01:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a few questions Maria.
I am looking for new tall boots and wonder which kind you use/recommend and what is popular.
Also what exercises do you do at home to improve your eye to the jumps?
You are a wonderful rider and good luck in the future.

At Mon Jun 15, 01:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not own my own horse therefore I find myself catch riding a lot of the time. Sometimes there are not enough horses to go around .I still hve very high hopes of becoming a grand prix rider. I am 16 now. Do you have any tips on getting my name out to other trainers and barns so that I can further my career?


At Sat Jul 04, 02:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,

I recently saw a video fo you riding at WIHS. Your lower leg was so still the entire time! How do you keep it so secure?


At Sat Jul 04, 07:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,
I started leasing a new horse a few months ago and we've been doing really well together... or at least the judges think so. But sometimes when we're in the middle of a round I feel like we're going a million miles an hour and my seat isn't secure at all. Strangely enough, we seem to be pinning really well in those classes. Could that just be anxiety about getting to the next jump? Do you have any advice? I show her in both the children's hunters and 3' equitations, by the way.

At Tue Jul 21, 09:38:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, i recently purchased a horse and i want to do jumpers and equitation with her, and i want to find the best trainer for equitation and maybe one for jumpers (but if i could have a trainer for both, that would be awesome!), could you recommend any? (btw i live in NJ)

oh ya, and i forgot to add that i want to pursue riding as a career, and i know i'm a good enough rider, i just still need a lot of training (my goal is to win either the maclay or medal finals, so i want to be a really, really good rider)

At Wed Jul 22, 10:45:00 AM, Anonymous Maddie said...

Thank you for updating your blog Maria! It's been very helpful for me. Now - I have a question.

I have a 14 year old Quarter Pony, Annie. She's the cutest jumper and is the definition of a pony; stubborn. She's a big ball of fire and has lots of energy, which takes us to longing.

When I longe her, she makes a deformed circle, meaning she's pulling on one side of the arena, and then at the other end she's basically running into me. Nothing I do gets her to move in or move away. I've asked my trainer and my mom, who also rides, and their advice didn't do much.

What do you think?

P.S. Is it longe or lunge?

At Wed Jul 22, 09:13:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiiiiiiiiiiii you should update

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