Monday, March 05, 2007

Some Thoughts On Sportsmanship

Hi, everyone!
The thoughts about sportsmanship that I will talk about today, are principles that I try to live by each day. If you get a chance, let me know what you think about these ideas.

Be considerate of your horse, and all horses, and their welfare, in and out of the show ring.
The horse always comes first!

Be respectful and show appreciation to your barn-mates, trainers, the farrier, the grooms, the barn mangers and all the other staff associated with your barn. Create a positive environment for everyone with your attitude!

Be polite and courteous to all the people you encounter and meet at horse shows, such as, the starters, trainers and riders from other barns, and their parents and families, as well as the horse show managers, course designers and all other horse show staff. Developing good relationships with the people who help you when you are horse showing can truly be a plus!.

Measure your riding accomplishments by trying to achieve your personal best. Having a positive attitude and vision of how you want to ride and compete, will help you in and out of the show ring.

Think of the greatest riders in our country, acknowledging how they compete both individually and on cooperative teams, and show a great team spirit and attitude yourself. By supporting the future development of equestrian sports in the United States, you are reaching one of the highest levels of sportmanship!

Catch up with me soon for some thoughts on course designing.
Talk to you later!
Maria Schaub


At Tue Mar 06, 04:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, i agree with everything you said! Riding is differnt from all the other sports because if your head isn't in it, or you're having a bad attitude, it will affect your horse, the people around you and your ride. Before I get on to ride (espcially for lessons, schooling before shows, and shows themselves) I try to take a deep breath, relax and try to get myself in a work-man like mood. It really puts your horse in a good mood, and it makes your horse want to do good. I have a good ride almost everytime, and even if my horse does chip a jump, knock i rail, or I do something I shouldn't do, it's much easier to let it go and keep riding instead of blowing up and ruining your ride! Thanx so much for the advice!


At Tue Mar 06, 05:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are great words of wisdom for young riders especially. It's very sad going to shows, or even just being around the barn, when young riders have a bad attitude, and aren't grateful or respectful to the people who assist in teaching, supporting, and managing their privledge of horseback riding. I think it's really important for all riders to get to know the people who put effort into their riding and showing, and always be kind and realize how lucky you are to simply be around horses.

At Wed Mar 07, 05:13:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are so lucky maria! o my i want to wear you shoes for an hour!!

At Wed Mar 07, 06:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many riders today stuggle with such simple things as being curtious to their horses and trainers. It is very sad to see riders that have a bad attitude come out of the show ring and just say "that sucked" or something along those lines. We have a girl like that at my barn and it really takes it's toll not only on the horse and rider, but also the moral of the whole show team. You really put out great things to tell the young and older riders of today!

At Mon Mar 12, 03:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think your attitude about your horse and the people around you is excellent. One thing I always do is to say Thank You to my trainer after a lesson. I value the time that my trainer puts in to help me and I want her to know it.

I wish you the best of luck at the shows this year.


At Mon Mar 12, 03:18:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think you're really right that riders should be considerate of their horses first, and of all the people helping them; trainers, grooms, friends, family...

A lot of riders I know get really uptight and forget some of their manners at shows.

Thank you for putting that out there.

At Mon Mar 12, 03:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever taken a really hard fall at a horse show?

If so, how did you handle it? How soon did you get back on a horse? How soon were you back in the show ring?

At Wed Mar 14, 01:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What brand of saddle do you recommend for someone moving up towards the big eq classes? And if you don't mind my asking, what kind of saddle do you own?

I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for your terrific insights into the horse-showing world.


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