Friday, November 02, 2007

Raising the Bar the Madden Way

November 7 Update: Maria finished 7th in the Maclay Finals! Read more in this bulletin. Plus, check out the course maps from the finals in the bulletin!

A note from the editor: Frank (Maria's trainer) and Beezie Madden presented a special clinic at the Syracuse Invitational Sporthorse Tournament Wednesday. Read all about it in this postcard. Also, watch the homepage Saturday (tomorrow) night to find out who won this year's Maclay! I should have the bulletin up with the news by 9 p.m. EDT, so we can all find out how Maria did. *fingers crossed*

Thanks for reading!

Kate Lindon Content Manager


At Fri Nov 02, 07:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there going to be anything from syracuse that we can watch on tv?

At Sat Nov 03, 12:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there anything we can watch on TV or the computer from syracuse?

At Sat Nov 03, 01:08:00 PM, Blogger said...

I don't know about TV (I'm guessing the answer is "no" though), but there's a live webcast available at I think most of the tournament is free to watch, but maybe not the Maclay part.

At Sat Nov 03, 08:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on 7th Maria!!

At Sun Nov 04, 02:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone know whats goin on with frank and stacia and that whole thing?????

At Mon Nov 05, 05:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ow, that sucks. esspecially for everyone at beacon hill

At Tue Nov 06, 09:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah it does! but what's like the whole deal... i've heard bits and pieces but not much


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