When we are not at a horse show, a typical day at Beacon Hill begins around 7:30 am. The routine consists of flatting between four and twelve horses with an emphasis on improving the horse’s suppleness, strength, and balance. For the most part, schooling and jumping lessons occur once a week either in an individual or a group format.
My trainers regularly assign I Toon, an equitation horse, and Marga, a high junior jumper for me to flat. The additional rides allocated by my trainers are horses which belong to another customer and who will not be riding on a given day.
Farm duties such as cleaning tack, tacking-up horses, setting jumps for lessons, rolling bandages and/or wraps and packing and unpacking for horse shows are customarily part of my responsibilities at Beacon Hill. Other equine related activities/chores that could be a part of any given day include but are not limited to hand walking, bathing, brushing and grazing horses, sweeping up, and helping when the farrier or the veterinarian visits may require an extra hand.
Next week, Beacon Hill will be at a great local show, the Monmouth County Horse Show, Freehold, NJ.
Thank you for your continued support and questions.
Talk to you soon!
Maria Schaub
What Classes will you be in at the Monmouth County Horse Show?
wow, i would love to ride 4-12 horses a day! How do you schedule school, riding and horse shows? i'm having a hard enough time just trying to get signed out early on fridays to school at the show grounds, and show saturday! (sometimes sunday too depending on the show) my mom might talk to my teachers and see if we can figure out a way to still get my work for classes i miss. ( if you have an unexcused abscense, you are not allowed to get make-up work at my school!) anyway, i would love to see how you handle riding and school and i'm sure it would be a big help for other riders that show too! good luck w/ your riding and thanx so much for keeping up this blog! your such an inspiration!
I was wondering- since you do probably miss a lot of school due to riding/showing, how are you able to still keep your grades up? Also, normaly at public schools you can only miss a sertain amount of days a year, otherwise, you may not be able to graduate to the next grade. Do you MUST go to a privet school to allow you to do this or does it even matter wheather you go to a public or privet school?
Anyone know what happened to Maria's Myspace?
dude thats weird of you go on her myspace. a little stalkerish...
how tall are most of the maclay horses?
Hi Maria,
I was wondering if you could share any tips you have for improving a rider's position. Specifically poor posture, a weak lower leg, and rough hands.
Thanks in advance!!
Hi Maria-
You are a wonderful inspiration to many riders out there- myself included! Keep up the great work:)
How do you deal with difficult other trainers/owners/riders?
Hey Maria,
I was wondering if there are any excersizes that could improve a riders leg strenghth.
To the person above me who wants to improve leg strength, check out these exercises on EquiSearch.com: Ride Right with Daniel Stewart. Good luck! --Kate
Hi Maria,
From what I understand, your family isn't exactly the richest in the world, and you can't always do everything you want to(please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't mean to offend you). I have a talented horse, and am going to do mini-eq for another year before I move up to big-eq. My question is: how do you afford all of this? My family has trouble going to local shows. I would love to find a sponsor. Any suggestions? www.jumperforlife.blogspot.com (just some pics, leave a comment?)
If you live in an area with good barns, and you have transportation, it is possible to ride tons of horses everyday. Call local tack stores and ask if there are barns that need horses to be worked. Call local vets, too. You do need to be an experienced enough rider to be safe, and you'll have to be seen riding first to show you can help, but it's a great next step from regular lessons and a great way to learn more faster if you don't have your own, or even if you do. The person riding 4 or more horses a day will learn far more than the person with one nice horse to ride. Even a less talented prospect can teach you a lot and give you more time in the saddle to build your strength and skills. To be a real rider, you have to learn how to make a horse pushbutton, not just pay to ride a pushbutton horse that someone else "programmed." I most recently rode at a sales barn in NE that sold hunters to top trainers around the country - I had my pick of 18 horses on any given day, and in less than two years, flatted and jumped over 75. And I got paid a bit to do it! If you are an effective, sympathetic rider and a hard worker, you can ride nice horses. And a sales barn will help with showing expenses because it's marketing for their horses. And I was still working full time. Young horses don't need hours of riding, so you can ride each for about 20 minutes, get them working and relaxed, and just rotate through pretty quickly. It's an awesome way to ride. And I was competitive in green hunters against big time trainers, as a result of all my experience.
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