Sunday, December 09, 2007


Hi everyone!

For the next few weeks, I will be answering questions that you had asked while I was reporting to you this fall about my experiences at the big eq finals.

As far as the USEF East and/or West coast finals are concerned, once a rider has received a gold medal, (twenty class wins are required), he or she can no longer participate in classes during future qualifying periods. However, riders who have won the gold medal are eligible to compete at the finals until they have reached the age of twenty-one. The only competitors, aged twenty-one and under, who are ineligible to compete at the finals, are those riders who have won the talent search final.

If an opportunity to compete at the USEF East Final presents itself in the next few years, I will consider it a privilege to have such an option. School and work responsibilities, obligations and their limitations could influence the decision to enter the competition one way or another.

Catch up with me next week when I answer another one of your recent questions!
Thank you for your continued support.
Talk to you later.
Maria Schaub


At Mon Dec 10, 04:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for answering our questions and continuing with the blog. Good luck with your future shows/traing/new horses.


At Mon Dec 10, 10:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Maria. I have one question. What are some ways a rider can improve his or her position? (back, leg, etc.). Also I am having trouble with my lead changes and keeping my back flat and my leg from slipping too far back when I am releasing for a jump. Any suggestions?

By the way, great job this year! If you do not show in the USET finals that is a good desicion but if you do we will be there rooting for you!


At Thu Dec 13, 01:23:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Maria,
I am a big fan of your riding! I was wondering if you are going to be at the barn as much now that your no loner a junoir. How has your life changed in terms of horses. Is it a sad transition or are you just as happy to show as an adult?

At Sun Dec 16, 08:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you plan to continue riding borrowed or catchride mounts, Or purchase your own mount?Good Luck on your Amazing Career Ahead of you as a Pro!!

At Thu Dec 20, 10:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck!!!

At Wed Jan 02, 09:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,

I have an important question. I am reallyy serious about horse back riding and I am thinking of boarding my horse a Beacon. I too ( of course) wanna start training for the maclay and after do jumpers. How much is the board? We have taken a tour of it and we go to every Wachovia jumper show! Would u suggest Beacon Hill? Your my idol- I love your equitation!! Thanks! plz try to answer me if you can


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