USEF Talent Search East, Oct. 7-8 - Part 1

Just wanted to say THANK YOU for all your comments and questions concerning this blog. Since we are in the midst of the big eq finals, I will not be answering questions right now. Instead, I will try to give you my perspectives and share some of my experiences about the finals.
The USEF TALENT SEARCH EAST was held over two days this past weekend. From my point of view, the gymnastics phase was the most challenging and difficult part of the competition. The first jump was a deep cross rail that you had to trot. The open faced Liverpool from a short turn out of the corner was another difficult aspect of the course. If the Liverpool was not ridden strong, many of the horses wouldn't jump it. I felt that the gymnastics phase was challenging for horse and rider alike.
The horse I rode, Teddy Bear, was such a good boy! He had not experienced a class like this one and he really tried his heart out!
Tomorrow, I will write about day two of the competition.
Talk to you later.
Maria Schaub
Editor's Note: Click here to read's coverage of the USEF Talent Search East.
Why don't you show Whimsey in all of your finals?
hey my friend used to own that horse! he is soo cute! good job and i wish you the best of luck i dream all the time that i could ride like you girls
Thanks for your blogs, it's great to get an insider's perspective! Do you have photos of the shows as well?
do you miss amigo at all? i just ost 1 of my fave horses casue he got sold and i was wondering how you got over the loss of amigo cause im really upset casue i lost my BFF
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