Thursday, September 07, 2006


The day started bright and early at 6:15 am for the Maclay regional hosted by HITS Saugerties. All the riders had the opportunity to get their horses into the ring before the first class. The Beacon Hill junior riders schooled their horses with the guidance and assistance of Frank and Stacia Madden. The classes were run in the Grand Prix arena but only half the ring was used. After the course walk, at approximately 7:30 am, the Hunter warm-up class started with over sixty junior riders participating.

By 11:00 am, after a new course walk, the first round of the Region 2 qualifier had begun. The challenging course included two triple combinations, a few quick turns, and several bending lines. In the second part of the competition, the judges called back three groups of twelve to fourteen riders to complete the flat phase. The final phase was a test for the top six riders. The test included some of the following; hand galloping the first fence, a trot jump, and a turn on the haunches.

When the competition was finished, the top ten riders and two reserve considerations participated in a ribbon ceremony. At the ingate, following shortly thereafter, a list of the names of the remainder of the top twenty-five qualifiers was made available.

Overall, it was a good day for Beacon Hill!

Talk to you soon!
Maria Schaub


At Sat Sep 09, 12:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey maria!

i just got a chance to catch up on your blog, and i sure missed a lot. lol. i had been checking almost daily looking for results from zone 2 qualifiers and had almost completely forgotten about your blog. i'm glad i checked - the results are right here!

i'm actually quite surprised to see chelsea not on the list, but maybe she can qualify at another show? or like last year, where she snuck in at the last minute?

anyway, congratulations maria! i hope to continue reading about your successes in the horse world. =]] it's great fun to get an inside scoop.

- kimi

At Sat Sep 09, 06:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi my name is dia i am a strong rider and i have a good trianer but i was wondering do you need to have points to enter those classes i dont have any
how many do you need

At Sun Sep 10, 06:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Maria

Congrats on your placement! But I was just wondering what happened with Chelsea?

At Sun Sep 10, 06:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea what happen to chelsea i know she did not do well last year but then she snook her way in is she going to do that again this year?

At Wed Sep 13, 08:38:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey maria.. just wondering, what are you planning to show in next year... are you going to stick with the jr/ammy jumpers (high or low)or do eq again (depending on what happens at finals).. good luck at capital challenge, you ride great.

At Sat Sep 16, 01:13:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Frank and Nikko yesterday at the Maclay Regonals. Sad part is I didnt know Nikko was behind me until I felt a horse breathing down my neck. XD


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